
Latest "Hiring Practices" Posts

7 Leadership Pitfalls That Sabotage Company Growth

What’s sabotaging your growth?

Driving profitable growth is at the top of every leader’s priority list. Yet, according to Bain and Company, only 10% succeed in achieving sustainable profitable growth.

stalled growthWhile growth is the life-blood of every business, at some point, your company will experience the double edge sword of growth.

Either your company will grow faster than your internal capacity to handle it. Chaos, breakdowns and burnout are the result.


Your company hits a wall and growth flattens. As a result, panic often sets in and leaders make rash decisions – either prolonging the stall or causing the company to spiral downward.

Posted by Denise Corcoran on March 23, 2016 in Company Culture, Fast Growth, Hiring Practices, Leadership Development, Leadership Performance, Organizational Performance, Organizational Transformation, Profitability.

The Secret to Hiring Top-Performing Employees

One CEO Spills the Beans

As mentioned in our article “The Shocking Costs of Hiring Mistakes … And The Secrets to Avoiding Them,  too many hiring decisions are based solely on past experience and current skills without any regard to the real drivers - – mindset and “fit” – – of top performance.

With permission to reprint his article “Hire for Will;  Teach the Skill,” Ron Alvesteffer, CEO, SEI Service Express, Inc., shares how his company hires top-performing employees – – his secret to achieving SEI growth goals and cultivating an exceptional organizational culture.  Enjoy his wisdom!

(Reprinted with permission from March 27, 2013)

Hire The Will; Teach the Skill

by Ron Alvesteffer

It’s a phrase I often use with leaders at SEI, particularly when they’re recruiting for talent at our organization.

Posted by Denise Corcoran on November 4, 2013 in Assessments, Hiring Practices, Leadership Performance, Organizational Performance, Top Talent.

Shocking Costs of Hiring Mistakes

… And The Secrets to Avoiding Them

One costly hiring mistake that I have observed with leaders is the unconscious avoidance, denial and/or toleration of under-performing employees.

Money down the toilet

Shocking costs of hiring mistakes

More commonly known as the cost of a mis-hire.

According to Tony Hsieh, CEO, Zappos, hiring mistakes have cost his company as much as $100 million!  That’s alot of dollars immediately subtracted from the bottomline.

For many companies, that one mistake can make the difference between surviving and thriving, between mediocrity and high performance.  Mis-hires and under-performing employees are the #1 profit leak in companies today.


Why Does This Issue Perpetuate Unknowingly in Many Companies?

Posted by Denise Corcoran on October 30, 2013 in Hiring Practices, Leadership Performance, Organizational Performance, Top Talent.